Resolve your family puzzle + unravel deeper issues with mind expert Nicola Dunn’s Constellation Therapy

Would you like to improve the dynamic in your family or maybe solve a problem you have with a family member but are quite not sure how to proceed? Try a session with mind expert Nichola Dunn that will guide and support you through whatever you need using her brilliant Constellation Therapy. Constellation Therapy is a unique and dynamic therapy which works to understand, resolve and heal issues that might be holding us back in relationships with one or more family members. This therapy has an immediate healing effect and more importantly on everyone who is close to us. This work uniquely uncovers any destructive family dynamic that may be lingering beneath the surface, by discussing the problem and how you feel about it. You create your bespoke family constellation that will teach how you can change your behaviours, patterns and also how to heal yourself. Nicola Dunn works with a constellation model family. A model of members of the family are positioned on a bo...