Anxiety busters

Summer is approaching and brings with it the long-awaited sun, the warm and bright nights and precious time to spend with friends and family. For most people, the thought of summer is like a guiding light through the grey winter months, though for others it’s nothing more than bottled up pressure and expectations, ready to explode. Many struggle with the somewhat self-invented pressure derived from social media, scrolling through feeds of people’s ‘perfect lives’. There’s a wide-spread assumption for us to enjoy every moment and to always be Instagram ready, something that amplifies during summer. N o wonder the pressure is on and no wonder we are in such great need of anxiety busters such as yoga, gut-boosting foods and clever books on the subject. We also have to remind ourselves that at the end of the day, Instagram is nothing more than a painted perfection picture hub that doesn't reflect the real world nor should be the fo...